Reprogramming the City workshops are catalysts to generate new ideas and resourceful solutions for repurposing and new use of existing urban structures.
Led by Reprogramming the City creator Scott Burnham, workshops explore ways to meet the particular needs of the host city or region using the reuse opportunities contained in the city’s existing infrastructure, objects, surfaces and systems. They can be tailored for professional or public audiences, or a mixture of both, allowing a cross-pollination of ideas.
Reprogramming the City workshops are also useful in finding new uses for a city’s outdated or soon to be obsolete infrastructure:

From reimagining and redesigning the functionality of individual objects in the city to rethinking entire areas of the city, Reprogramming the City transforms urban landscapes into platforms of possibility.
Burnham has led dozens of workshops in numerous cities. His workshops have been credited with bringing new ideas and forms for public engagement to regeneration and redevelopment projects, professional and municipals associations, and as catalysts for new thinking at design festivals, biennials and institutions.
To learn more about having a Reprogramming the City workshop become a catalyst for new opportunity and ideas in your city or region, please get in touch.
Oh, and if there’s one consistent factor in Reprogramming the City workshops, it is that local media loves to write about them: