Resilient Cities Keynote Speaker Scott Burnham

Reprogramming the City founder Scott Burnham is a noted international keynote speaker on resourceful strategies for design and cities.

“Even if Scott Burnham has a couple of hard drives full of ideas, as soon as you let him out into your city he comes back with new ideas about how it can be better.”

– Director, Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design, Stockholm

Burnham’s talks serve as a catalyst to communicate very powerful lessons about resourceful strategies for resilient cities, and addressing future urban needs by leveraging the assets cities already have.

He has addressed numerous institutions and national and international assemblies on how reprogramming strategies can transform cities and increase their ability to meet the growing needs of their residents, from sharing strategies for urban resilience with The World Bank and the Urban Development Congress, to delivering a keynote to the MIPIM Global Mayor’s Think Tank in Cannes, France.

If you’d like to have Scott Burnham speak in your city or at your event on resourceful approaches and strategies, get in touch here.

Resourceful Strategies Keynote Speaker Scott Burnham
Scott Burnham delivering his keynote at the Water, Landscape and Citizens International Conference, Seville, Spain